Rapid reduction in borewell yield in Chennai, TN due to blockage in the pipe - Need solutions to pull the pipe

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We had dug a new borewell on in May 2008 for about 130 Feet.  It had good water flow and we inserted 25 ft of casing pipe, 4 inches diameter.  The location is Chitlapakkam (Chennai 600064) in Chennai, near to Tambaram/Chrompet area.  We put a 1 HP pump and inserted pipes inside for pumping water, it was working well for almost 2 months and starting this month the water pumping reduced drastically and used to stop after 5 mins of pumping.  We thought it to be a blockage in the jet pump inside the borewell due to some mud or tiny particles blocking. 

So we decided to pull out the pipe along with jet pump and clean and reinsert, but we are not able to pull out the pipe as it seems to be stuck, the unfortunate thing is we were able to pump water before trying the act, which means the jet is not covered under mud or loose soil but looks like somewhere in the entire length it has blockage which prevents water going down to the jet for pumping (as i mentioned it dries out).  What can be done for this and the pull just brings the pipe for a feet that too because of elasticity. 

We have consulted many and the responses are mixed, chain lock pulleying, or blowing high pressure air inside etc, but no one guarantees result.  What is the option I have to get the pipe out, or is this a case of borewell closure?

Sadanand G

India Water Portal