Groundwater training programme by ACWADAM

Event Date
January 15, 2018 - January 31, 2018
Posted on

ACWADAM has begun running a fifteen-day training programme on basic hydrogeology or groundwater science, for professionals from Civil Society Organisations or NGOs. The training is not intended to be a ‘stand alone exercise’ in capacity building, but will be followed by ACWADAM providing facilitation to promising trainee organizations in their respective field areas.

Dates for training: 15th to 31st January 2018. (Training will commence at 9.00 am on 15th January 2018). Outstation participants can reach the venue in the evening of 14th January or early morning on the 15th January 2018.

Venue: Venue details will be informed to you later.

Subsidized training cost: The training is being supported by ARGHYAM. A nominal cost of Rs. 4,600/- will be charged to every participant for the entire 15 days. The cost includes lodging, boarding and training material costs. Participants or organizations who wish to confirm their admission to this course are requested to contact ACWADAM by email on acwadam@vsnl.net / admin@acwadam.org to obtain details of making the payment.

Travel costs will NOT be borne by the organizers. Participants or their respective organizations will have to take care of travel to and from Pune, and make their own travel arrangements.

For more details of the training, download the information brohure from below. 
