Nearly half of respondents for online corrosion management survey say little focus for corrosion awareness in India

Control Corrosion in India, an Open Source Knowledge Management group has launched an online survey for Corrosion Management in India on 15 August 2010.

18 Jan 2011
0 mins read

Contant and Image Courtesy: Corrosion Management Survey in India

Iron Pillar DashboardWe CAN Control Corrosion in India, an Open Source Knowledge Management group has launched an online survey for Corrosion Management in India on 15 August 2010. Survey response for the period August-December 2010 reveals the importance of creating awareness for corrosion in India. Nearly half of the survey respondents say Little Focus is there for corrosion awareness in India. 17% of the respondents have the opinion of No Focus for awareness. Only 3% are in favour of Well Established status of awareness activities in India. Corrosion problem is not only the buzzword for Process Industries, but also perennial in public water distribution systems.

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