National Factsheet – Coverage evaluation survey by UNICEF (2009)

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The Coverage Evaluation Survey 2009 (CES-2009), a nationwide survey covering all States and Union Territories of India, commissioned by United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) was conducted during November 2009 to January 2010. The CES shows significant increase in major indicators for maternal and child health including immunization and reaffirms the positive results of the strategies adopted by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) for the Reproductive and Child Health Programme.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare constituted a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to provide oversight and coordinate various activities related to CES-2009 including sampling, survey methodology, questionnaires, quality guidance, tabulation plan, data analysis, final tabulation and data presentation. Bilingual questionnaires in local language and in English were used. The data was collected from 45,058 households, 22,604 mothers of children of age 12-23 months and 22,984 women who delivered during the last 12 months. 

This fact sheet is an abridged version of the detailed report “Coverage Evaluation Report 2009”. The data for the CES 2009 was collected from mothers or care takers of child aged 12-23 months for child care services and from women who delivered during 12 months preceding the survey. The key indicators have been presented state-wise. Certain important parameters of maternal and child health have shown impressive increases -

  • Institutional delivery has increased from 40.7% to 72.9%
  • Safe delivery by skilled birth attendants has increased from 48.2% to 76%
  • Mothers who had 3 or more ante natal check-ups has also increased from 50.7% to 68.7%.
  • In states such as Madhya Pradesh institutional delivery has increased from 29.7% to 81%; in Orissa institutional delivery has increased from 38.8% to 75.5%, in Rajasthan from 32.2% to 70.4%, in Bihar from 22.0% to 48.3%, in Chhattisgarh from 15.7% to 44.9% and in Uttar Pradesh this has increased from 22.0% to 62.1%.
  • The proportion of children with acute respiratory infection in the last two weeks who were given advise or treatment has increased from 69% in NFHS III (2005-06) to 82.6% in CES 2009.
  • The number of children breast fed within one hour has increased from 24.5% in NFHS III (2005 -06) to 33.5% in CES 2009

The findings of the survey are a testimony to the positive results of the RCH –II Programme and the efforts being made under National Rural Health Mission.

Download the factsheet here:

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