The Buddha's middle path? - News on water use consensus from Bolivia

Is this the approach to the holy grail called consensus on the right to water and its efficient use?!


 After 32 failed attempts to reach consensus on water legislation and a deadly social conflict over water rights, IDRC-supported researchers in Bolivia have helped their country develop a water law that everyone could agree on. The consensus evolved over a period of time with a clear understanding about the need for social acceptance of any scientific solution that would be proposed. From the first step involvement of locals in data collection, social participation in the decision making process ensured a de-mystification of the scientific process & proposed solutions. The process was ignited by civil unrest over the awarding of water rights to a commercial entity & stimulated a complete overhaul of the water regulation process in Bolivia. The work on a fully integrated consensus generation was supported by a grant from IDRC, Canada. Read the entire article online here:After the Water Wars: The Search for Common Ground

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