An alternative perspective: Sabarmati Riverfront Development

A critical review of the Sabarmati Riverfront Development project, Ahmedabad, from an environmental perspective.

20 Feb 2014
0 mins read
Sabarmati Riverfront Development
Sabarmati Riverfront Development

The Sabarmati Riverfront Development has been hailed as a project towards urban regeneration & environmental improvement, which will transform the river to a focal point of leisure and recreation.

However, this fails to look at the river system as a whole, and limits the development to an isolated stretch or ‘frontage’ for the river. The article presents the environmental aspects of this ongoing project from the point of view of the river.

This article 'An Alternative Perspective: Sabarmati Riverfront Development ' has been published in LA, Journal of Landscape Architecture . Download the full article below.

Editor's Note: The original article, ' From the Sabarmati's point of view' was published on the Portal on February 16th. Due to an error in author and source attribution, we unpublished it on February 19th. The current version of the article titled 'An Alternative Perspective: Sabarmati Riverfront Development' is the corrected version. We apologise for this error.

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