Statistical year book India 2013- A compilation of data sets by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
This book by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation provides data sets on different aspects of the country.
This book by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation provides data sets on different aspects of the country. It has following highlights:
- All India and state wise data on: Pattern of land utilisation, area under principal crops, production of principal crops, average yield of principal crops, index number of principal crops (Base: Crop Years Triennium Ending 1993-94=100) and cost estimate of some principal crops in five major producing states during 2008-09
- Area and production estimates of horticulture crops state wise: Summary, various horticulture crops, flowers-state wise, various kinds of spices, fruits, vegetables, plantations, export of horticulture produce and major fruits and vegetables producing countries in the world.
- Number of livestock and poultry, incidence of livestock diseases in India, adult male cattle and buffalo with their use, production of milk, production of wool and eggs, fish catch and landings-by group of species and quantity of fish catch by disposition.
- Production of raw silk and silk yarn and export of silk goods and silk waste
- Net area under irrigation by sources, gross area under irrigation by crops and gross irrigated area.
- Number of reporting mines in India, all India mining production(statewise-2009-10, 2010-11)
- Estimated reserve and installed capacity of various sources of energies, production, availability and consumption of primary sources of conventional energy, production of coal, coal derivatives and coal by products, consumption of raw coal by different industries, domestic production of petroleum products, consumption of petroleum and its selected products, industry wise off take of natural gas, gross generation of electricity in utilities and non-utilities, co0nsumptio of electricity by sector, electricity generated, distributed, sold and lost, electricity installed capacity, generation and consumption, electricity sold to ultimate consumer, number of towns and villages electrified, state wise and source wise installed capacity of grid interactive renewable power and installation of off-grid decentralised renewable energy system/devices.
- Forest cover estimates at all India level and state wise, state wise recorded forest area, estimates of wastelands, category-wise wastelands, estimates of tree and mangrove cover, forest occupancy and population estimates of tigers as per the refined methodology, number of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries state wise, estimated number of species by various taxonomic groups, forest occupancy and population estimates of tigers as per the refined methodology, estimated population of wild elephants, global average temperature and atmosphere concentration of carbon dioxide, air quality in industrial and residential area, water quality of few Indian rivers and other aspects as well.
- Monthly (actual) rainfall 2009-10, monthly (actual and normal) rainfall 2010-11 and annual rainfall.
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