Pepsico India's efforts to achieve a positive water balance as a corporate initiative (2007)

Pepsico India is currently engaged in an effort to reduce water consumption with the ambitious goal of achieving a positive water balance through its three pronged strategies
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This multinational soft drinks, bottled water and food products manufacturer is currently engaged in an effort to reduce water consumption with the ambitious goal of achieving a positive water balance, or in other words going even beyond zero water balance. This goal is to be achieved through a three pronged strategy consisting of water recharge at the plant level, water initiatives at the community level and the promotion of water conservation measures in agriculture. Some headway has been made and company statistics indicate a 67% water use reduction and an 82% effluent reduction in 2007 versus 2001. On the positive initiative front, roof water harvesting and surface water structures are said to have resulted in a total conservation of 151 million liters per year and a recharge of 95 million liters per year leading to, among other things, a 68% recharge of the Palakkad aquifer. Among the management and ecological techniques used are the 4R approach, zero based estimation and benchmarking with the best in the class.

India Water Portal