Water Integrity Network Photography Competition 2018

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  • Where and how does money flow in the water sector?
  • How is money allocated for water infrastructure and services?
  • What are examples of effective or wasteful money management in the water sector?
  • How does an individual’s access to money affect their access to water?

These are questions WIN is tackling this year as the focus on raising awareness about how integrity in money management affects the water sector – and photographers are being called to explore this theme visually!

Money plays a huge role in the water sector; it is needed for infrastructure, operation, and maintenance to deliver clean water and sanitation services. The management of water as a resource also requires money for projects such as irrigation systems, dams, reservoirs, and environmental clean-up. Sometimes this money is effectively used, resulting in successful programmes and projects that deliver safe water and sanitation to citizens and ensure sustainable water resource management. In other cases, money is not honestly spent on its intended purpose, or simply poorly managed, meaning that money can leak out of the water sector, even when it is desperately needed.

This year, WIN invites photographers to examine the relationship between money and water; how it manifests in both cities and rural areas, and how it is affected by integrity! This relationship is intricate and multi-faceted, and we want your images to reflect that as much as possible – so feel free to flex those creative muscles!

To enter Send up to two original, hi-resolution images related to the theme to winphotocomp[@]win-s.org via a large file sharing service (for example WeTransfer, TransferNow, Google Drive…) In your message, please include: - your full name - captions for the images - a signed competition terms form – available from the WIN website

The judging panel of water and media specialists will select the winning photo from the two categories, and the winner of the Overall Best Photo will receive a 1000 USD voucher for photography equipment. Winners will be announced on World Water Day 2018, 22 March 2018, and all shortlisted photos will be displayed on the WIN website.