Water well in Purulia, West Bengal (Source: India Water Portal Flickr Photos)
Water well in Purulia, West Bengal (Source: India Water Portal Flickr Photos)

India's groundwater: Invisible water, visible crisis

News this week
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Massive national effort needed to resolve India's depleting groundwater

Groundwater contributes to nearly 85% of India's drinking water security, 60% of agriculture needs and 50% of urban requirements; however, the major chunk of public money goes into surface water. Also, digging deep borewells has led to the influx of geogenic chemicals like fluoride and arsenic into groundwater. To make the resource sustainable, Government should urgently make aquifer data available to the public, incentivise groundwater usage, enable more participation of civil society in groundwater management, and create a massive national effort to recharge our aquifers. 

WRI scores the future water stress of the world

In a first of its kind analysis, the World Resources Institute has scored and ranked the future water stress in 167 countries for 2020, 2030, and 2040 using climate models and socioeconomic scenarios. 33 countries have been found to face extremely high water stress in 2040, and 14 of these are from the Middle East. The global superpowers--US, China and India--are under high water stress with India positioned at the 40th place in 2040.

Texas teenager wins accolade for his graphene heavy-metal filter at World Water Week

An 18 year old US teenager Perry Alagappan, has invented a new filtering device that provides a cheap and easy way to remove 99% of heavy metals that pass through water. Alagappan has been awarded the Stockholm Junior Water Prize at this year’s World Water Week for his low-cost renewable heavy metal filter, which has been made using graphene nanotubes and can be reused after rinsing it with vinegar concentrate.

Environmentalists say that 

EIA of Ken-Betwa river link is flawed 

In an open letter authored by the South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People (SANDRP), environmentalists have exposed the violations in the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) of the Ken-Betwa river link project. The letter sent to the Environment Ministry has highlighted the shortcomings of the public hearing process that neglected the opposition to the project. Also, the letter mentions that the EIA report has failed in assessing the impact of the reservoir that will reduce 30% of the Panna Tiger Reserve. 

Coca Cola announces that it will replenish the water it has used by end of 2015

Beverage giant Coca Cola has announced that it will replenish all the water it has made use of in making beverages in 2014 by the end of 2015. With this, the company's goal of water replenishment has moved five years ahead. Moreover, Coca-Cola has launched 209 community water projects such as improving access to safe drinking water and protecting watersheds across 61 countries as a part of its initiative towards water security.

This is a roundup of important news from August 25 - 31, 2015. Also read last week's policy matters updates.

India Water Portal